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The UK’s New Trade Policy: joint launch event to explore trade and devolution

19 May 2022

Cardiff University’s Wales Governance Centre, Fair Trade Wales and Wales Council for Voluntary Action will partner with the Centre for Inclusive Trade Policy for a joint launch event on 9 June at the Pierhead Building in Cardiff Bay.

The event will launch both Trade Justice Wales, and the Centre for Inclusive Trade Policy (CITP), two major projects which aim to give Welsh communities, organisations, and businesses a voice in post-EU trade policy in the UK.

Trade Justice Wales is a joint project between the WGC and Fair Trade Wales funded by a Cardiff University Innovation for All grant, and which will elevate Welsh civil society’s voice on trade.

The CITP is a major new research centre funded by an £8m grant from the Economic and Social Research Council, which aims to equip the UK with the capability to formulate and implement a trade policy tailored to the needs of the whole of the UK.

Having left the EU, the UK must now formulate and implement its own trade policy which will impact on economic, social and wellbeing outcomes for communities across the UK. Trade agreements can also impact and be used to pursue policies in a variety of areas – from equality and public health, to sustainable development and food and farming standards. As a result, there are significant policy and governance questions, in particular around how Wales’ voice is reflected in the UK’s trade, that still need to be explored.

The event will include an introductory talk at 13:00 by Vaughan Gething MS, Minister for Economy, and will provide an opportunity for refreshments and to network. It is open to all who have an interest in trade policy, devolution and may be of particular interest to academics and organisations with an interest in connecting and networking with experts.

Registration is available by following this link, and the event will begin at 12:30.

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