Research Excellence Framework 2021 results
11 May 2022
The School of Mathematics has enjoyed success in the Research Excellence Framework (REF) with 98% of our overall submission considered world leading or internationally excellent.
In addition, 96% of our research outputs are considered world-leading or internationally excellent in terms of originality, significance, and rigour.
The REF is the UK’s system for assessing the excellence of research in UK Higher Education Providers (HEPs). The REF outcomes are used to inform the allocation of around £2 billion per year of public funding for universities’ research.
The School of Mathematics is an established research-intensive unit focused on advancing fundamental mathematical knowledge, facilitating application of mathematical sciences in other disciplines, and providing societal benefit through engagement with industry, charities, and the public sector.
Our recent impact case studies demonstrate the impact of mathematical sciences on everyday life. These include research putting maths at the heart of medicine by improving cancer outcomes, improved ambulance response times and a new NHS contact service.
Dr Jonathan Thompson said: “The School is pleased to receive recognition that 98% of its research is ranked as world-leading or internationally excellent. Researchers across the School of Mathematics are engaged in innovative research in both theoretical and applied mathematics. This research is having a significant impact in many areas such as healthcare and finance and has also informed the Welsh Government response to the Covid-19 pandemic.“
Based in our exciting new purpose-built building Abacws, we are committed to fostering an inclusive, diverse and collaborative research community. Reflective of this, we submitted 100% of our eligible staff to this Unit of Assessment.
For more information on research at the School of Mathematics and to read our latest impact case studies please visit our research pages
Full information about the Cardiff University 2021 REF submission can be found on the Cardiff University website.