Cardiff University team to explore indoor air quality in primary schools
18 November 2021

A Cardiff University team including Dr Gabriela Zapata-Lancaster (ARCHI), Dr Thomas Smith (GEOPLAN) and Miltiadis Ionas (ARCHI), in partnership with Merthyr Tydfil Council Borough are collaborating with two primary schools to investigate a suitable monitoring approach to evaluate the indoor environment of classrooms.
The project will explore how to use monitoring data to create educational resources to support children's learning about indoor conditions in buildings and more broadly, building use/energy performance and sustainability. These aspects will be explored in workshops in the participating schools to link monitoring data to numeracy and literacy skills, STEM learning and Eco-schools’ activities. The Cardiff University team will also explore both the pupil and teacher indoor environment experience in school buildings and what is done in the schools to manage this environment
The Cardiff University team are also planning to organise online events to discuss the project with other schools and parties who are interested in building performance and sustainability education.
Dr Zapata-Lancaster said: “Our team is aiming to offer advice to identify monitoring approaches for schools and councils to understand the indoor environmental conditions which in the long term could inform behavioural-based interventions to maintain good indoor conditions. The project aims to also co-produce learning resources for children so that they can engage in STEM activities focused on building performance and sustainability using their own schools as living labs.”
If you have any questions about the project or would like to participate in future project events, please contact Dr Gabriela Zapata-Lancaster: