Bee friendly planting at Redwood
25 April 2016

Staff and Students weilding shovels, rakes and turf get planting for the Redwood Bees
The School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, with the help of the Wildlife and Conservation Society and the support of the charity Buglife have been busy planting bee friendly plants around the Redwood Building.
The aim of this exercise is to increase biodiversity for pollinators, to provide food for the bees that live on the roof of the Redwood building and to highlight the range of natural product research performed within the school.
Two test beds have been created on the King Edward VII avenue side of the building by members of staff and students from the Wildlife and Ecology Society.
The first bed has been planted with dandelion family seeds as these plants are known to be favoured by bees and have been shown by researchers within the school to contain antimicrobial compounds.
The second bed will be planted with a selection of medicinal herbs to highlight the contribution of plants to modern pharmacy
In addition to these test beds we have also planted daffodil and bluebell bulbs and wild garlic all of which contain medicinal compounds which are the subject of research within the school.
Finally on the north road side of the building we are attempting to create a wild plant grass meadow and have built a bee hump.
Please contact Justine if you have any ideas about plants which could be including in this project or would like further information.