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Intercalated Degree Students Supervision

24 June 2021

Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels

This year the CUREMeDE team were involved in four research projects for the intercalated degree in Medical Education. The Medical Education programme is one of several that offers undergraduate medical students an opportunity to take a year out of their medical studies to complete an intercalated degree (iBSc). Historically, the CUREMeDE team have been involved in several iBSc projects since the aims of the Medical Education programme are closely aligned to the interests of our team.

Alison, Dorottya and Sophie were involved in the supervision of four students for the following research projects:

  • Effective Discourse Strategies in Medical Video Lectures
  • Medical Educators’ Perceptions about the Impact of Inter-Professional Education on Inter-Professional Collaboration in Clinical Practice
  • Medical Students’ Perceptions about the Impact of Inter-Professional Education on Inter-Professional Collaboration in Clinical Practice
  • The Medium if Medical Education Pre, Present, and Post Pandemic and its Impact on Student Learning and Development

Students presented their work at a number of national and international conferences including:

  • The intercalators’ conference, INSPIRE
  • The Irish Network of Healthcare Educators conference (INHED), and
  • The Developing Excellence in Medical Education Conference (DEMEC).
  • The Cardiff University Learning and Teaching conference

Having completed their research projects, some students are now looking to develop their work into research articles for submission to relevant journals. The presentations and potential future publications indicate the high quality of research carried out by the students under the supervision of the team. There are plans to follow up on the findings from these dissertations in the future.

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