Welsh School of Architecture MArch student wins Jonathan Spiers Scholarship Fund
15 June 2021

Lawrence Lynch, a Master of Architecture (MArch) student from the Welsh School of Architecture, has won a Jonathan Spiers Scholarship.
The Jonathan Spiers Scholarship fund (JSSF) is a UK registered charity that provides support to students of architecture who wish to enter the architectural lighting design profession.
Lawrence’s undergraduate degree work evidences his clear passion for the poetics of light and form. Having spent some time working for DaeWha Kang Design - a firm who specialise in wellbeing and human oriented design and who collaborate with professional lighting designers, he cultivated a deep interest in the psychological effects of light. Lawrence’s Masters dissertation explored how biophilic aesthetics affect emotional wellbeing and it is this research that he would like to continue into the future with the support of the scholarship, with the aim of informing his own design work and aiding the general understanding of the emotional effects of lighting within architecture.
The JSSF team said: “We congratulate Lawrence on becoming part of the JSSF family and trust that the scholarships will help him to finish his studies and go on to develop further as both an architect and lighting designer."

Lawrence said:
“I have always been interested in the poetics of light and form within architecture which many of my projects have explored through the use of physical models. I am also interested in the emotional effects of lighting and how spaces can be designed to promote wellbeing. My dissertation focussed on the effect of biophilic aesthetics on emotional wellbeing which I hope to continue exploring with the support of this scholarship. I was extremely surprised when I learned that I had won and am honoured to receive such a prestigious award.”
Lawrence was nominated for the scholarship by MArch1 Chair Caroline Almond, to find out more about the MArch programme and the Welsh School of Architecture please visit the MArch course pages.