Quarter 1 Newsletter 2019
31 January 2019

Welcome to Central Biotechnology Services
We are an ISO 9001:2015 certified not-for-profit Cardiff University Technology Facility providing access to life sciences research equipment and methodologies, with a focus on Cell Analysis/Imaging, Genomics/Bioinformatics and Proteins/Diagnostics. Our team of scientific experts offers a comprehensive service including advice on experimental design, sample preparation, data generation and analysis. We also host companies and provide laboratory facilities, technological support, academic consultancy and access to other Cardiff University resources.
We welcome customers from Cardiff University, other academic institutions and industry. We are all based at the Cardiff University Heath Park campus, mainly in the Henry Wellcome building.
Our new website is now live!
We are excited to have our new website in action. Find out all about us at www.cardiff.ac.uk/central-biotechnology-services. Here you will find information on our services, how to work with us and how to contact us. We will be posting all our news and events there too.
InCytometry courses
Thank you to the many of you who attended our Flow cytometry, FlowJo software and IDEAS® software for ImageStream® training courses run by InCytometry in November and December. We also held our first FlowJo clinic to support all Cardiff University FlowJo software users in January. We will be scheduling more InCytometry training courses shortly...
Please watch our website for details!
Please watch our website for details!
Come to our Meso Scale Discovery seminar!
We are hosting a MSD seminar on Tuesday 5th February, 10 - 11 am in UG14 in the Henry Wellcome building. Come along to learn what this easy-to-use technology can do for you. The MSD experts will also be available after the seminar to give individual advice. Contact Jane Chappelle on chappellej@cardiff.ac.uk for more information. No booking required.
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