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Quarter 2 Newsletter 2019

16 April 2019

Multicolour flow

Remember the power of microarrays!

New microarrays from Affymetrix (now Thermo Fisher) that detect gene, exon and splice variant expression can be a quick and cost effective alternative to RNA-Seq. Microarrays can be the best choice if you are at the discovery stage of your research, maybe wanting to evaluate low input samples or low abundance transcripts, prior to using more targeted technologies such as qPCR.

Microarrays can also be the best choice if your RNA quality is compromised. Applications include supporting FFPE sample analysis, rare transcript detection and differential gene expression analysis. Learn more about choosing the right technology for your research.

Contact us or come and talk to us to learn how microarrays can help YOUR research.

BD Multicolour Flow Cytometry Seminar Day

Book now to come to our educational seminar day on multicolour flow cytometry on Wednesday 1st May. This is a free event - including a free lunch! See the seminar day agenda, details and book your place. Join the seminar to discover wide-ranging approaches in panel design and multiomic analysis. Read an overview of multicolour flow cytometry.

TissueLyser II homogeniser

Did you know that we have a TissueLyser II homogeniser that you can use? The TissueLyser II is a flexible bead mill designed for the rapid and efficient disruption of up to 48 samples at the same time. Each sample is simultaneously disrupted and homogenised by high-speed shaking with a bead in a sealed tube (bead milling). There is no cross-contamination during sample disruption as each tube is securely sealed with its own lid. Contact us to find out more about using this time-saving equipment.

Our qPCR facility has moved

Our qPCR facility has now moved from the BARRI building to the basement of the Henry Wellcome Building. Remember that we have an Eppendorf epMotion P5073 liquid handling robot housed in our qPCR facility that can make your dispensing quicker and more accurate. This robot is a flexible system for automating any time-consuming and complex pipetting procedures and helps you to eliminate manual pipetting errors and maximizes the reproducibility of your assays. Contact us today to learn more.

Thank you to the many of you who attended our recent seminars and training sessions including on flow cytometry, FlowJo software, Nanostring and MSD technologies. Please contact us for any further information and watch our website for details of further events.

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