Expert joins Electric Vehicle Energy Taskforce
18 January 2021

A leading Cardiff University expert in sustainable transport has joined a working group of the UK Government’s Electric Vehicle Energy Taskforce (EVET).
Professor Liana Cipcigan was selected to join WG1 – a group dedicated to supporting the delivery of the UK’s Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure.
The sustainable transport specialist from the School of Engineering is the only academic member of the 18-strong group, which includes representatives from BEIS, OLEV, National Grid, UKPN, Energy Systems Catapult, LowCVP, Urban Transport Group, industry and local authorities
“I am delighted to have been selected to join WG1 as an expert advisor,” said Professor Cipcigan.
“EVET was established to define the responsibility, guidance and resources that exist and are needed to support public bodies and private organisations in the delivery, operation, and maintenance of public Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure as an integrated part of the energy system.
“We are now entering the second phase of work to support the monitoring and progress of the original EVET proposals and their translation into action.”
The Electric Vehicle Energy Taskforce (EVET) was formed at the request of Government to make suggestions to Government and industry to ensure that the GB energy system is ready for and able to facilitate and exploit the mass take up of electric vehicles.
Professor Liana Cipcigan is research theme leader for Sustainable Transport in Cardiff’s School of Engineering and leader of Electric Vehicle Centre of Excellence, which brings together University experts to investigate and help address remaining barriers to the widespread introduction of electric vehicles.
She is leading the £1m EPSRC “Decarbonising Transport through Electrification (DTE), A whole system approach” Network+ .
As part of the Cut Carbon hub, it is the only network looking at transport electrification.
“In DTE Network+ we are looking for a range of private, public and third sector partners who can help us support and deliver this ambition goal, and invite them to get in touch,” said Professor Cipcigan, who works closely with the UK’s Department for Transport to report progress on Decarbonising Transport through Electrification Network+.
Professor Cipcigan has an established track record as a policy advisor and has given expert advice and evidence to a range of bodies including the House of Lords, Climate Change Committee, Welsh Government and Welsh Assembly.