Top marks rewarded with prize-winning book
12 January 2021

Daniel Gillen, who completed his MSc Transport and Planning studies at the School of Geography and Planning in late 2020, has been recognised for his outstanding academic performance.
Daniel was confirmed as having achieved the highest mark for the taught component of the Master’s programme, with Programme Director Dr Dimitris Potoglou commending Daniel for his hard work and commitment to the exciting field of transport and planning.
Daniel was gifted with a copy of Emeritus Professor Huw Williams’ award-winning book Forecasting Urban Travel Past, Present and Future. Co-authored with Professor David Boyce from the University of Illinois at Chicago, the book won the 2016 The William Alonso Memorial Prize for Innovative Work in Regional Science.
Dr Potoglou said: “I’d like to thank Professor Williams for kindly donating a copy of his definitive and highly regarded book - a key reference for all travel researchers and practitioners - to be given as a prize once again. His continued support of the School, our work, and our exceptional students is very much appreciated.”
Daniel was an undergraduate student at the School of Geography and Planning, graduating with a BSc in Human Geography in 2019. He was awarded a Rees Jeffreys Road Fund bursary to complete his MSc in Transport and Planning, a flagship programme at the School.
Catching up with Daniel recently, he reflected on his academic studies and success: "I thoroughly enjoyed the Transport and Planning Master’s course which has equipped me with the skills and knowledge required to make an impact in the workplace even despite the changes brought on by remote learning.
“The skills and support I received enabled me to produce a dissertation in partnership with Kent County Council examining bus journey time performance metrics to help aid resource allocation decision making. My ambition moving forward is to build upon my degree to make further contributions to support UK transport planning and policy development; a sector which has gained great significance due to the policy challenges emerging linked to both Climate Change and Covid."