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Prestigious fellowship for School Manager

14 December 2020

Man holding award

The School Manager at one of Cardiff University’s largest schools has been awarded a Chartered Association of Business Schools (Chartered ABS) Fellowship in recognition of his outstanding and sustained contribution supporting UK business schools and adding value to their work.

Dr Andrew Glanfield, School Manager and Head of Cardiff Business School's Professional Services section, was one of just four new fellows conferred at the Chartered ABS annual conference in November this year.

For the first time in its history, the conference was held online because of regulations surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Reflecting on the prestigious award, Andrew said: “I’m extremely honoured to be made a Chartered ABS Fellow. Chartered ABS is an organisation which has worked tirelessly to highlight the important role and responsibilities of business schools, particularly championing the critical role they play in being catalysts for societal, social and environmental progress, both in the UK and worldwide...”

“It was set up to support the work of both academic and professional services colleagues in business schools, working together in partnership, and so it is wonderful that the important work of professional services leadership is being recognised alongside academic leadership in this year’s Fellowships.”

Andrew Glanfield School Manager

To encourage and support

Over the course of his 10-year Chartered ABS membership, Andrew has worked together with the Professional Managers Steering Committee (PSMC) in its mission “to encourage and support high performance of professional services within business schools through a process of development and knowledge transfer.”

As one of 13 leading business school managers which make up the PMSC, Andrew plays an integral role in the Professional Managers' Annual Conference and other Chartered ABS developmental events.

In 2016 for example Cardiff, hosted PMAC highlighting the School’s commitment to creating public value through learning and teaching, research, and engagement.

Further activities including mentoring new professional managers, as well as lending expertise and experience to discussions on restructuring, change management and innovation that is ongoing in many UK business schools characterise Andrew’s Chartered ABS membership.

Most recently, Andrew was keen to highlight Cardiff Business School’s involvement in the Chartered ABS Business Schools for Good initiative.

Watch our Business Schools for Good film on on YouTube.

“A highly committed and experienced School Manager, Andrew has devoted many years to engagement with Chartered ABS in order to facilitate the sharing of best practice between professional services teams in UK Business Schools.”

Professor Rachel Ashworth Dean and Head of School

“It is lovely to see those years of commitment and his dedication to the Business School sector being recognised by this prestigious award.”

On presenting the awards at the Chartered ABS Annual Conference, Chair Professor Robert MacIntosh said: “It has been an honour and a pleasure to work with the new Fellows, whose work has been an integral part of the value we've been able to deliver for our member business schools...”

“We very much look forward to continuing to work with all our Fellows in the years ahead and hope this award can go some way to providing the recognition they deserve for their efforts and achievements.”

Professor Robert MacIntosh Chartered ABS Annual Conference, Chair

Chartered ABS fellows are peer-nominated following an open call for nominations. New nominations and awards are made annually.

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