Regrow Borneo plants first trees
25 October 2020
Thank you to everyone that has donated to the Regrow Borneo project. Find out more about the impact of your donations one year on.
The Regrow Borneo project launched last September was the first scheme of its kind at any UK university. The project has developed a research-led model of sustainable and ethical reforestation that goes beyond carbon sequestration, planting trees in a way that will also improve lives and livelihoods in local communities, and increase biodiversity and ecosystem resilience in a heavily deforested tropical area.
Launched as a carbon balancing project, Regrow Borneo’s ethical and research-led model has received support from around the world, particularly from those passionate about conservation and keen to support a unique ecosystem restoration project. These donations have also supported local communities through the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic by providing a sustainable alternative source of income.
One year on…
The project has re-planted 3 hectares (5,258 trees) in spite of a global pandemic and ongoing movement control orders in Borneo, with a further 2 hectares identified for planting after the rainy season.
The project’s pilot year target (Sept 19 – 20) was to raise £15,000. This target was reached by February 2020 and to date the project has raised 139% of its first year’s target and counting.
Work being undertaken:
- Extensive clearance of restrictive grasses and vines has been undertaken by local partners in extremely challenging conditions
- A total of 5,258 trees have been planted across 10 native species, which reflect pioneer vs. climax, growth rate, flood tolerance, fire resistance and use by native fauna
- Botanical plots have been developed and camera trapping have been placed to monitor wildlife presence/absence in each site and compare new and old plots
- Planting has now been paused (new local lockdowns and beginning of rainy season), however the team has begun clearance of another site and seedlings are ready to be planted as soon as conditions allow
- While coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to dominate our everyday lives the need to address the climate emergency is as urgent as ever. Donate to the project now.
- If you are undertaking essential travel you can donate recommended amounts based on distance flown or you can donate whatever you can afford. It costs just £2 to grow, plant and maintain a tree for three years.
- To get an idea of how much we suggest you donate based on your flight, please refer to our recommended donation map.
How you can help
- While coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to dominate our everyday lives the need to address the climate emergency is as urgent as ever. Donate to the project now.
- If you are undertaking essential travel you can donate recommended amounts based on distance flown or you can donate whatever you can afford. It costs just £2 to grow, plant and maintain a tree for three years.
- To get an idea of how much we suggest you donate based on your flight, please refer to our recommended donation map.