Free teaching resources for RE/RVE
12 January 2022

Discovering Muslims in Britain: for RE/RVE is a set of free teaching resources that investigates what it means to be a Muslim in Britain today.
The resources are free to download, edit and share. They are designed to be used in conjunction with the accompanying CPD course - also free! Find out more about the CPD course below.
Accessing and using the Teaching Resources
To gain access to the teaching resources, simply complete this short survey and we will send you a link to access the resources. (Please be careful to check your junk email folder).
These teaching resources consist of nine lessons and an assessment, centred around the main research question: ‘what does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?’.
- How can we understand religion in society?
- What does Islam mean to Muslims?
- How do Muslims follow religious sources of wisdom and authority today?
- How do Muslims practice their faith?
- What is the history of Muslims in Britain?
- Where are Muslim communities located?
- What is a mosque?
- How do Muslims express their faith through the arts?
- To what extent do Muslims in Britain experience Islamophobia?
Each of the lessons includes:
- Teacher PowerPoint presentation
- Pupil worksheet
- Lesson plan
- Other associated resources
Each lesson is designed with upper-Key Stage 3 in mind, and lasts approximately one hour. For the best experience, please print the resources in colour.
The teaching resources were approached as both working lessons and also stimuli for teaching ideas. We have ensured that these resources are fully downloadable, editable, and designed in a modular way to make them as flexible and easy to use as possible.
As such, there is no set way to use these resources. They can be used as an entire scheme of work, individually, or elements can be taken out and used in pre-existing lessons. We encourage you to adapt and experiment with these resources to fit the needs of your school and classes.
To download the teaching resources simply complete this survey and follow the link that is sent to you.
Discovering Muslims in Britain CPD course
A FREE accompanying CPD course is also available, which supports the teaching of these resources, with each session mirroring the lesson outlined in the free resources. Find out more
These teaching resources are freely available to download, edit and share, to make them as accessible as possible for teachers to use. At the Islam-UK Centre, we have a commitment to ensuring that we do our best to support RE in schools, and this commitment is reflected here.
However, we rely on securing external funding to develop these resources and keep them free. If you use these resources, and would like more projects like this to happen in the future, all we ask is that you provide us with feedback that we can use to demonstrate the value and impact of this work. This will help us, and others, to convince potential funders and institutions of the value of projects like this, that encourage teachers and academics to work together.
As such, we really encourage you to let us know how and why you are using the teaching resources, as well as what impact they have had on your teaching/on the learning of your pupils. Additionally, please encourage others to access the resources via this site, and to pass on feedback. Accessing the resources through this website allows us to gain a picture of how widely the resources are being used, which helps us demonstrate their value.
Background to the project
Based on the Islam-UK Centre’s hugely successful Muslims in Britain: Changes and Challenges MOOC, and responding to calls to improve the representation of religion in RE (Commission on Religious Education 2018), these teaching resources use sociological approaches to religion to focus on how Muslims in Britain understand and live their faith in their everyday lives.
These teaching resources have been developed in consultation with RE teachers across the UK and other related organisations, such as RE Today. Find out more about the project.
Endorsement from RE Today
We are delighted that RE Today has endorsed the CPD course, and the free associated Key Stage 3 teaching resources. The full text from RE Today is as follows:
The new teaching and learning resources from Cardiff University’s Islam UK Centre offer an excellent CPD course for RE teachers with linked classroom plans and materials for KS3. Discovering Muslims in Britain takes a sociological approach to the study of Muslims in Britain, incorporating current data and scholarship curated by the Islam UK Centre. As a renowned centre for study of Islam, Islam-UK’s expertise brings a unique offering to RE teachers, addressing some pressing concerns in RE curricula.
Instead of essentialised, abstract presentations of key beliefs of Islam, for example, the focus is on contemporary forms of Islam and the social realities of Muslim living in Britain. Teachers and pupils encounter Muslim voices through video clips and articles, enabling them to adopt a sociological approach in RE. This resource supports teachers in developing their own and their students’ substantive knowledge about Islam and Muslims, as well as introducing them to disciplinary knowledge – such as how sociology uses quantitative and qualitative methods to create and evaluate knowledge.
Islam is among the most popular topics at KS3 and GCSE-level teaching, and this resource offers thoughtful, detailed CPD for teachers and interesting ways of examining Muslim living. It roots study of Islam within recognisable contexts, providing meaningful and engaging opportunities for learning.
Teachers will find a wealth of associated resources, including recent, cutting edge research, to extend and deepen their own subject knowledge. It is great news that these resources are freely accessible and have been made available digitally. This helps to ensure that everyone can engage fully with the course.
Having reviewed the course and discussed it with the Discovering Muslims in Britain project team, we are pleased to recommend the course and its associated resources.
Endorsement from The Muslim Council of Wales (MCW)
We are also proud that the Muslim Council of Wales has endorsed our CPD course and free teaching resources:
The Muslim Council of Wales is very pleased to support and endorse the Discovering Muslims in Britain lesson material and teacher training. The resources have been produced by the Centre for the Study of Islam in the UK at Cardiff University, which has a long history of positive relationships and engagement with broader Muslim institutions and communities, and this ethos is reflected in the resources produced.
Religious Education is a valuable and important component of every young person’s education, and it has an important role to play in preparing the individual for life in a diverse and multi-religious Britain. The teaching of Islam is even more important in order to counter misconceptions about Islam and Muslim communities. This is why the Muslim Council of Wales is very pleased to see that academic expertise and research has been utilised in order to prepare lessons and training material that capture the diversity of Muslim experience in Britain
It is especially valuable that the material foregrounds the voices and experiences of Muslims themselves. This helps show Islam is not a foreign religion, but one lived and practised by millions of people in Britain today.
We are really pleased to see a focus on Cardiff throughout, reflecting a City with some of the oldest and most established Muslim communities in Britain.
Dr Abdul-Azim Ahmed
Secretary General
Muslim Council of Wales
Endorsement from The Muslim Council of Britain
We have also received an endorsement from The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB):
The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) congratulates the Centre for the Study of Islam in the UK at Cardiff University for producing the “Discovering Muslims in Britain” lesson material and teacher training resources. The Centre has a long history of positive relationships and engagement with broad-based community and Islamic organisations and we are pleased to see this is reflected in the material produced.
Religious Education has an important role to play in dispelling myths and misconceptions about different religious groups and communities. The ability to understand the faith or belief of individuals and communities, and how different worldviews are formed is very important for our children growing up in a multi-faith, diverse modern-day Britain. These resources will be invaluable in this endeavour.
Having reviewed the course and discussed it with the Discovering Muslims in Britain project team, the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) is very pleased to recommend the Discovering Muslims in Britain lesson material and teacher training resources.
Maswood Ahmed, MBA, Msc, CQSW, DipSW, AASW, PTA, RSW
Assistant Secretary General & Chairperson, Education Affairs Committee
We would like to express our thanks to all the contributors to the course. From the interviews and filming to informal conversations and advice, this course is truly a collaborative effort.
Thanks to the contributors in the videos for sharing their understanding and experiences with us.
Maadia Noor
Lord Richard-Fou'ad B. MacLeod
Ayesha Khan
RE Today
Muslim Council of Wales
National Zakat Foundation
Dr Carl Morris
Amanda Morris
Hamidah Begum
Mobeen Butt and the Muslim Museum Initiative
Students of St Teilo's School, Cardiff
Focus group, survey and pilot study participants
The RE teaching community
Islam-UK Centre staff and postgraduate student community
Centre for Education Support and Innovation (CESI)
Peter Sanders
Atallah FitzGibbon
Faraz Ali (Shining Night Productions)
CPD Unit
Contact us
If you would like to speak to the Islam-UK Centre team about these teaching resources, please contact:
Islam-UK Centre
If you have any questions about any other professional development opportunity, please feel free to contact the CPD Unit at: