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Rewilding Cardiff with Citizen Scientists

17 July 2020

The award-winning Pharmabees are developing a wildflower mix based on native plants for distribution into local communities. The chosen plants support pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, and in this new project, the team are asking for support from the public to help with their research.

The aim is for individuals to plant the seed mix at home and monitor the plants as they grow. By monitoring  how the seeds’ grow - and counting the number and diversity of pollinators that visit them - residents can help the university develop a picture of the state of nature across the city. Instructions for planting, educational resources, and science activities can be found on the Pharmabees’ resources pages.

By completing the Pharmabees activities, the user will help support biodiversity and pollinator populations throughout south Wales and in so doing become an important part of the research team.

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