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NCMH launches COVID-19 study to look at impact on mental health

29 June 2020

woman completing online survey

The pandemic and the restrictions it has caused has had an effect on all of us but it has been particularly difficult for those with mental health problems.

Researchers at the National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH) have launched a new survey to look into how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected those living with a mental health condition.

Professor Ian Jones, director of NCMH, said; “The COVID-19 crisis has already had an incredible impact. At NCMH we want to ensure that the particular experiences of people with mental health problems aren’t forgotten.

"We would like to understand how the crisis has affected your day-to-day life and what is has meant for the treatment support you are receiving.

“We hope the findings of this study will help inform the NHS and policymakers to provide better services and support.”

woman walking wearing mask

Taking part

The online survey is open to people over the age of 18 who have experienced a mental health condition. Both new participants who are not already a part of the NCMH cohort study and those who have already helped with NCMH research are invited to take part.

If you have already taken part in research with NCMH you will have been emailed a link to complete this new survey. By using this link, it will enable us to link up your response to the research you have participated in previously.

Professor Jones said; “It’s vital we understand the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on those living with mental illness, I would like to say thank you in advance for helping us make a difference.”

More information about the study and how you can take part can be found on the NCMH website.

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