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Cardiff University Nursing Student is shortlisted for the Student Nurse of the Year Award

11 May 2020

Second year Mental Health Nursing Student, Jodie Gornall has been shortlisted for the Student Nursing Times, Student Nurse of the Year Award (Mental Health).

After finding out she had been shortlisted, Jodie was asked to attend a panel interview in London. She was interviewed by the Student Nursing Times just before the current lockdown was imposed and here, she tells us of the experience:

“It was a very supportive interview; they repeatedly said how incredible it was to be shortlisted and that I should be very proud of myself. Now that it's been some time since the shortlisting announcement, it has all sunk in and I am really chuffed!

I was asked about my nomination which was centred on my experience of mental health nursing in Grenada last summer. I brought along some photos to share with the judging panel, as words alone cannot do my experience justice! They asked how this experience impacted my nursing back home, how I would describe myself and why I thought I deserved to win - some challenging questions!

Since my interview, student nurses have been called to arms. I chose to opt-in and am currently working in a hospital. We are completing 30 hours of practice and 7.5 hours of online theory a week. I have just finished my second week and am still adjusting to the new set-up but so far it’s been very worthwhile.”

The Student Nursing Times Awards Ceremony has been postponed to 17th November due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

Jodie was nominated for the award by Senior Lecturer at the School of Healthcare Sciences, Judith Benbow. Good luck Jodie!

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