Doctors and Dentists named BEST in Wales
4 April 2016

Welsh doctors have been honoured by the University-based Wales Deanery.
The successful nominees were recognised at the annual BEST/BSAS awards for their excellence in training the next generation of medical and dental professionals.
Dr Alison Van Buren a GP at Townsgate Surgery, Newport; Dr Harsha Reddy, Consultant in Critical Care at Wrexham Maelor Hospital; Dr Farid Ghalli, Specialty Doctor in Nephrology at UHW and; Dr Madhuri Kodliwadmath, Associate Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at West Wales General Hospital were all named BEST trainers of the year.
Professor Derek Gallen, Postgraduate Dean at the Wales Deanery, said: “The Wales Deanery is particularly proud to have developed the BEST/BSAS awards in recognition of the high standards of medical and dental education in Wales.
“Once again the standards have been very high and reflect the time and commitment from those doctors and dentists at the forefront of training and education.
“The BEST/BSAS awards are a fitting celebration for all those nominated by their trainees for the time and effort they put into the role.”
Professor Chris Callander, the Wales Deanery’s Sub-Dean,was also presented with the Dean’s Recognition Award for his services to Medical Education.
The awards are part of the ‘Supervising the Route to Excellence’ programme which aims to ensure excellence in medical training through the development and support of high quality educational, clinical supervisors and trainers throughout Wales.
The annual BEST/BSAS awards are now part of the BMA/BMJ Clinical Teacher of the Year Awards.
The four winners of the award also received a Medical Education Bursary worth £3,000.