Cardiff University launch platform to help manage back pain in the workplace and whilst working from home
14 April 2020

BACK-on-LINETM is a digital online platform designed to help people better manage low back pain in the workplace and whilst working from home.
The platform has been developed by a Cardiff University team of academics from the School of Healthcare Sciences, the School of Engineering and the Data Innovation Research Institute in collaboration with physiotherapists and occupational health managers from Cardiff and Vale and Aneurin Bevan UHB. The project has further support from Cardiff University Biomechanics and Bioengineering Centre Versus Arthritics.
This innovative project was funded through the Work & Health Unit Challenge Fund, jointly set-up by the Department of Work and Pensions and Department of Health and Social Care Health.
BACK-on-LINETM is being launched to help workers across the NHS in Wales and England. Transport for London (TfL) is also launching BACK-on-LINETM to all their 27,000 workers.

Liba Sheeran, Reader at School of Healthcare Sciences and Consultant Physiotherapist who leads on this project said ‘It has been a long journey to get to this point but the joint-effort from all the team has finally paid off! We managed to develop a great platform for people to improve their understanding of their back problem and learn how to better manage it to improve their pain in the short term as well as given themselves ‘a way out’ to better and more active future in their work as well as personal life’.
If you are struggling with back pain at work or working from home, you can access our first fully functional BACK-on-LINETM prototype with free online access at
Where you’ll be able to:
1. Fill in a self-assessment
2. Receive feedback on your back pain
3. Get free access to an individualised back pain, management guidance, techniques and exercises
4. Give us feedback after 4-weeks of using BACK-on-LINETM
For more information you can access our social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
You can also see more detailed information about BACK-on-LINETM from our Onclick collaborators here.