New German Language Assistant
31 January 2014

In January 2014 the German section has been given the opportunity to employ a “DAAD Sprachassistent” for the next academic year, i.e. in 2014-15.
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has offered a 10-month scholarship for a young German graduate to gain experience in teaching German as a Foreign Language (DaF) at university level. The scholarship is paid in full by the DAAD, the maximum teaching load per week should not exceed 8 hours and will be monitored by a permanent member of staff.
In Cardiff the new colleague will teach ab-initio and advanced German on all levels, particularly in the areas of writing, grammar and oral/conversation. Furthermore, he or she will be asked to coordinated the German Film Circle, an initiative which is popular with many German and non-German, Cardiff and Erasmus students alike.