Two Leverhulme Fellowships awarded to the School of Modern Languages
21 July 2014

We have recently received excellent news of the School’s success in supporting two applications to the Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship scheme. These are post-doctoral research awards and awarded to researchers who nominate an academic community and university whom they would like to host their work and its development. This prestigious scheme funded approximately 100 projects from a total of 800 applications this year and it is extremely rare for a School to be awarded two Fellowships. Indeed, the last Leverhulme ECF award held at Cardiff University was in 2010. This is an outstanding achievement for the School of Modern Languages.
Therefore the school will have two new colleagues in September for a three-year period. The award funds the Fellows to undertake a significant piece of publishable research, whilst employed as a full-time member of staff at the University. The two colleagues who will be joining us, and their projects, are:
Dr Serena Bassi: ‘Translating “Gay Liberation”: the Negotiation of Sexual Identities and Political Struggles between the United States and Italy’
Dr Alastair Hemmens: ‘Ne travaillez pas: The Critique of Work in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century French Thought, from Charles Fourier to Guy Debord’
I would like to thank all the colleagues who helped mentor these applications to success, above all Gordon Cumming and Rachael Langford as Directors of Research.