School of Modern Languages welcomes translation team on fact finding mission
1 October 2015

This September staff from Portugal’s most prestigious polytechnic institution visited Cardiff’s School of Modern Languages on a fact finding mission.
Paula Carvalho and Pedro Duarte of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP), came to the School on 3 September to exchange information and knowledge on the technical conditions used in translation and subtitling classes.
Both organisations provide translation services externally within their communities which meant that comparing their experiences and best practices with each other would be extremely beneficial.
Carvalho and Duarte met with a variety of staff members from the School during their visit and also took time to visit the university’s Global Opportunities Centre which is dedicated to helping students benefit from international experiences.
As a result of the visit both institutions now have a greater awareness of the different methodologies used within language and translation teaching and it is hoped that a relationship will develop between both parties in order for visits such as this to take place again in the future.
Carvalho and Duarte are part of the School of Accounting and Administration of Porto which is located in S. Mamede de Infesta (Matosinhos), very close to IPP Campus. It offers its 4,000-strong student population a range of innovative undergraduate and graduate programs in Accounting, International Commerce, Marketing, Business Communication, Tourism and Hospitality Management and Administrative Assistance and Translation.