School of Modern Languages welcomes Vice-Chancellor to newly improved facilities
13 November 2015

Professor Colin Riordan, Vice-Chancellor of Cardiff University visited the School of Modern Languages this November to meet with staff and students.
The School has recently invested in its building with a great deal of renovation taking place to improve facilities. The VC was keen to see how work was progressing and to meet with the School community of scholars and students.
During his afternoon at the School, the VC met with Professor Hanna Diamond, Director of Postgraduate Research, and a number of doctoral students to view and discuss a poster exhibition that showcased their research. He also met with Languages for All students and staff and Director of Languages for All, Dr Catherine Chabert, who spoke about the programme which gives non-language students the opportunity to learn a language for free alongside their chosen degree.
Professor Claire Gorrara, Head of School said, “We were thrilled to welcome the Vice Chancellor to the School of Modern Languages this month. Since the summer, we have embarked on an extensive building renovation programme which has resulted in a brand new student common room and a foyer social space, improving our MLANG student experience and environment. It was wonderful to show these improvements to the VC and for colleagues to discuss the future development and direction of the School and University with him in an open Q&A session. The VC is a great supporter of Modern Languages so we are very appreciative of the time he took to visit our School.”