Investigating the state of broadcasting in Wales
16 December 2015

The School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies’ Siân Powell has given evidence to the Welsh Affairs Committee into the future of broadcasting in Wales.
The Welsh language lecturer and researcher said it was impossible to look at S4C’s value for money without examining the contribution it made to culture and the wider economy, which she described as priceless.
The Select Committee of serving MPs is examining the implications of further efficiency savings on broadcasting in Wales.
Speaking after appearing before the MPs, Ms Powell said “Giving evidence on the importance of broadcasting in Wales is crucial as its democratic value needs to be highlighted at every opportunity.
“The evidence given forms a significant part of the committee's report on the future of broadcasting in Wales.”
The Committee also heard from former School documentary lecturer Angela Graham, who spoke on behalf of the Institute of Welsh Affairs Media Policy Group.
Ms Graham said: “[To] look at the media landscape in Wales in terms of broadcasting and think that it’s being adequately served is in our view impossible because of the contraction not only of spending but of genre.”
When asked if she thought money needed to be taken away from Welsh language broadcasting to fund programmes in English, Ms Graham said: “Not for one second.”
The scope of the inquiry, which began hearing oral evidence sessions in November, includes the suitability of current broadcasting governance and accountability arrangements in Wales and whether funding for Welsh language broadcasting should be ring-fenced.