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Chinese tea ceremony for international staff

24 October 2019

Qiqi Wang
Cardiff Confucius Institute Qiqi Wang performs a Chinese tea ceremony:

On Thursday 17 October, Cardiff Confucius Institute (CCI) was invited to deliver a Chinese Tea Ceremony by Cardiff University’s International Staff Network.

The event took place at ‘I Want to Ride My Bike’, a popular local Cathays Café and nearly 40 international staff attended this activity and enjoyed the traditional Chinese tea ceremony.

Lin He, CCI tutor, serves tea to international staff
Lin He, CCI tutor, serves tea to international staff

Wearing Chinese traditional dresses, tutors served Chinese green tea as well as Chinese black tea.

Made without milk and sugar, the Chinese tea, served in traditional cups is very different from the British tea but was enjoyed by everyone.

Staff had the opportunity to ask various questions about the tea and the role of tea in Chinese culture. It seems that tea has turned out to be a great bridge, connecting staff from different countries and backgrounds.

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