Dental library gets a makeover
16 December 2019

A project jointly funded by the University Library Service and the School of Dentistry has renovated the Brian Cooke Library situated in the School of Dentistry to make it more usable for students.
Renovations took place over the summer period and last week the library celebrated its official re-opening. As part of the refurbishment the library received:
- New carpets and a fresh coat of paint.
- 10 individual study carrels, each one with a double power socket for privacy and focused work.
- New lower shelving which is more easily accessed and lets more light into the room.

Changes are also taking place to improve the assistance and support offered to students:
- Opening hours will be expanding from after Christmas when it will be open to everyone 8am to 5pm (Monday to Friday). In addition, building users with an enabled ID card will be able to access the library between 7am-8am and 5pm-6pm via the entry access system.
- Library staff are available to answer enquiries at the desk 12pm to 2pm Monday to Friday. Outside these hours support is available from the Health Library via the telephone at the enquiry desk. Enquiries can be emailed to

Natasha West, Dentistry student and CDSS president said "The renovations to the Brian Cooke library have revolutionised the space, making it feel more spacious whilst providing individual and communal workspaces. I'd like to thank everyone involved in the project, as it has created space which promotes a highly productive environment and enacted a positive change in the way we can work."