Prizegiving marks another year of student success
17 December 2019

Undergraduates from Cardiff Business School have been recognised for their academic success and placement contributions at a celebration held in the Postgraduate Teaching Centre.
The prize-giving event was hosted by Professor Roy Chandler while Dean and Head of School, Professor Rachel Ashworth, presented the prizes to the recipients.
A total of 49 prizes were awarded to first, second and final year students in a range of categories, from best performance within individual modules and on placement, to best student awards across degree programmes.
Nine first years received honours for their achievements at the outset of their undergraduate study. Martha Elise Liddiard, BSc Accounting and Finance, Eilidh Kumar, BScEcon Economics, and Claire Revans, BSc Business Management, were highlighted as the best students in their degree pathways.
Rasheda Ahmed, BSc Accounting and Finance, Jonathan Oliver Evans, BSc Business Management, and Wenjun Zheng, BScEcon Economics and Finance, all picked up two awards each for their second-year performance.
The trio also came top of their year in their respective degree programmes.
Amber Ward Stevens and Julianna Justine Imperial Paul collected two awards each for their final year successes on BScEcon Economics and BSc Business Management degree schemes.
The biggest haul of the evening went to Glesni Mair Jones, BSc Accounting and Finance, who picked up five awards including the coveted Sir Julian Hodge Prize celebrating the best final year student at Cardiff Business School.

Professor Roy Chandler said: “It’s always a pleasure to reward our hard-working students and we’re grateful to our sponsors for their generous support too.”
As well as a certificate of achievement, winning students received a financial reward. Monetary gifts were provided by corporate sponsors, or through the nine prize funds available, many invested in memory of distinguished professors and academics.

“We’ve awarded a total of more than £12,000 this evening. This money is used to make nearly 50 awards but there are so many excellent students that it’s often difficult to single out the one outstanding student on a module or programme.”
“This year there were more joint awards than ever and that’s after dissecting the marks down to two decimal places! Evidence to date suggests that the competition for the top spot in next year's awards will be just as stiff.”
Proceedings were drawn to a close by Nick Fox, Vice-President Postgraduate at Cardiff University Students’ Union, who congratulated the prize winners on their achievements and wished them well for their future studies and careers.

The 2019 awards were sponsored by ACCA, Baldwins, Cardiff Airport, ICAEW and its local District Society, Cardiff Business Club, The Hodge Foundation, the Thomas Carroll Group, Office for National Statistics, and Welsh Financial Services and Data Science Graduate Programme.
All undergraduate prize winners are listed in the event’s programme.