David Dunkley Gyimah joins advisory board for British Library news exhibition
18 November 2019

The School of Journalism, Media and Culture’s Dr David Dunkley Gyimah has been invited by the British Library to be one of eight UK advisory board members for its Spring 2021 exhibition, currently called Making the News.
Dr Dunkley Gyimah teaches on the School's MA International Journalism degree and specialises in emerging forms of journalism and cinema journalism.
Cinema Journalism builds on David's award winning work in video journalism, cited in the Encyclopedia of journalism (2009) edited by C. H. Sterling.
David says whilst there's no essence of cinema and hence cinema journalism, if you could combine the art of data motion graphics, documentary, design and photography; the mise en scène, spatial and plot logic of cinema; the innovative language of television; the sonic dramaturgy of radio and podcasting, the metaphoric power of literature, with neuroscience and behavioral theory, you're close to understanding the power of cinema journalism.
The thought-provoking exhibition, will mark the 400th anniversary of newspapers published in the UK and will aim to explore the history, present and future of news in Britain.
It will draw on the library’s considerable news collections and trace how news for the diverse audiences of this country has been produced, distributed and read over four centuries, through news sheets, news books, broadsides, newspapers, newsreels, radio, television, the internet and social media.
British Library lead curator Dr Luke McKernan said Dr Dunkley Gyimah’s expertise across the different news media would be invaluable.
Dr Dunkley Gyimah was the first Briton to win the US Knight Batten Award. He has worked in front and behind the camera for the likes of Newsnight, Channel One, Channel 4 News, ABC News and BBC World Service. David has successfully managed KTPs, and collaborative initiatives in Egypt, near the Syrian border and for Nato’s War Games.
An Artist in Residence at the Southbank and former director of the BJTC, his work is featured in several academic books. He speaks and writes widely on digital and news futures and is a top 20 writer in journalism for medium.
The advisory board is chaired by notable news commentator Samira Ahmed who presents Newswatch on BBC News, with panelists that include: Professor Jackie Harrison, Head of Department of Journalism Studies, University of Sheffield; Professor George Brock at City University, and Professor Kurt Barling from Middlesex University.
Dr Dunkley Gyimah said, “I’m overwhelmed and honoured to be given the opportunity to be involved in such an important exhibition at a time when journalism and news has come under such scrutiny.
“The exhibition will encourage us to question the role of news in society and will look at the ways in which news is changing as we ourselves change. This is an opportunity to consider vital issues of choice, interpretation, truth and trust."