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Legislative changes needed for sustainable food system in Wales

5 November 2019


Industrial production of cheap food poses a threat to sustainable and just food systems in Wales, according to a report by researchers at the Sustainable Places Research Institute.

The report, commissioned by the Wales Co-operative Party and members of the Co-operative Group in the National Assembly for Wales, called for legislative changes to support the scaling-out of co-operative economies.

The report identified a number of challenges facing co-operative ways of working, including limited availability for sustainable agriculture training coupled with lack of appropriate support and advice, and too few opportunities for processing and distribution.

Dr Poppy Nicol, co-author of the report, said: “Co-operative ways of working must be central to a cross-sectoral Welsh Food Policy to ensure a sustainable food system in Wales.

Community-based food co-operatives are an important way of addressing food justice through cultivating local food economies.

“Governments play a key role in supporting co-operatives through implementing policies and legislation that promote and encourage co-operative ways of working. Through legislation, Wales could become a pioneering nation for sustainability and justice.”

To address the challenges, the report outlines three key policy recommendations:

  • Scaling out sustainable and just food production in Wales;
  • Co-producing Local Food Economies and Cultures through Food Hubs
  • Supporting Co-operative Welsh Economies: information, training and advice.

Huw Irranca-Davies AM, Chair of the Co-operative Assembly Group said: “Food justice is a key campaign for the Co-operative Party in 2019. We believe that healthy, sustainable food must be affordable and accessible to everyone in Wales, and that co-operation has a key role to play in achieving that.”

The report, published today, is available to download in full here

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