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Scholarship success for postgraduate student

24 September 2019

Scholarship success for postgraduate student

A student at the School of Dentistry has been awarded The Clement Chan Scholarship for receiving the highest examination results at the end of her 1st year.

Generous support from Dr Clement Chan, an alumnus of the School of Dentistry, has enabled a Scholarship to be created for postgraduate students on the MScD in Orthodontics.

The award is the result of the generosity of Dr Clement Chan a past postgraduate student who appreciated the support of the orthodontic department of the School of Dentistry when undertaking the masters programme. The MScD in Orthodontics has been established for over 40 years and is designed to provide both clinical and academic training for future specialists in orthodontics.

As a way of appreciating the help he received, Dr Chan has offered a financial scholarship for each year of the 3 year course for the student with the highest grade at the end of year examinations. The Scholarship has been running for several years and therefore many students have greatly benefitted from the Dr Chan’s financial assistance and ongoing support to the orthodontic training provision at the School.

Camilla Miles-Hobbs, received the highest score in her end of first summer exams and as a result has been awarded this prestigious scholarship.

Camilla said ‘It was such great news to hear that I was had been awarded the Clement Chan Scholarship. It made all the hard work worthwhile and will be very helpful for my next academic year!’

You can find further information on our postgraduate courses and research opportunities on our website.

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