School of Chemistry Prize for Best Overseas Student
30 November 2015

It is with great pleasure that we announce the presentation of the first ever School of Chemistry Prize for Best Overseas Student to Ziyao Lu.
The Best Overseas Student prize is awarded to one student who has demonstrated exceptional academic prowess throughout their time studying here at the School of Chemistry at Cardiff University. In addition to recognizing the achievements of our best and brightest students from overseas, the award also helps to promote and strengthen the bonds between the School and its partner institutions abroad.
Ziyao Lu is a bright and capable student who has demonstrated academic integrity, professionalism and hard work throughout his time in Cardiff. Ziyao Lu has come to Cardiff from Xiamen University, one of our closest and most prestigious partners in China.
The certificate was presented to Ziyao Lu (left) at an Awards Ceremony on the 4th November 2015 by the Head of School, Professor Rudolf Allemann (centre) and the Director of International Relations, Dr. Stefano Leoni (right).