Dental study wins prestigious award
18 July 2019

Professor Ivor Chestnutt, from the School of Dentistry, has won a 2019 International Association of Dental Research (IADR) award for best paper published in the Journal of Dental Research.
He was awarded the prestigious William J. Gies Award, in the clinical research category, for his ‘Seal or Varnish?’ study.
The ‘Seal or Varnish?’ study, in collaboration with Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Community Dental Service, treated just over 800 children with either fissure sealants or fluoride varnish to discover which treatment is most effective and offers the best value for money for children aged 6-7 years.
The team found that applying fluoride varnish to children’s teeth is just as effective at preventing tooth decay as the alternative method of sealing teeth and could save the NHS money.
The William J. Gies awards consist of a monetary award of $1,000 USD and a plaque. They are open to anyone who publishes in the Journal of Dental Research, the official publication of the IADR/AADR.
The IADR/AADR Journal of Dental Research is a multidisciplinary journal dedicated to the dissemination of new knowledge in all sciences relevant to dentistry, the oral cavity and associated structures in health and disease.