Student prizes awarded on the Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture: Professional Practice course
13 June 2019

Two students on the Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture: Professional Practice have recently been awarded prestigious prizes for their work
Bianca Dumea has been awarded the Stanley Hall Cox Prize for the best Diploma student, donated by Stride Treglown, and Timothy Smith was awarded the Society of Construction Law prize for best performance in the Construction Contracts module.
Professor Sarah Lupton, Personal Chair and Course Director said: “I would like to thank all those who contributed as tutors, seminar presenters and examiners for their help in ensuring this was a vibrant and topical course. We have received excellent feedback from the students.”
The Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture: Professional Practice is designed to be undertaken whilst in full-time employment within an architectural practice or related construction industry organisation. It is taught by blended learning methods using the internet, and supplemented by short on-site courses.
On the course, students acquire an in-depth understanding of the legal and economic aspects of architectural practice and construction procurement, and the related skills necessary to practice effectively on entry into the architectural profession.
The Welsh School of Architecture is currently welcoming applications for the Master of Design Administration, and the Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture: Professional Practice, both directed by Professor Sarah Lupton.
For all enquiries on the above programmes please contact Professor Lupton at