Growing Street Talk - a street-based project with a difference!
2 April 2019

Growing Street Talk is an exciting new 3-year project for people living in the Grangetown and Splott wards who want to develop their front gardens and improve the look of their streets.
Growing Street Talk is about inspiring and empowering people to make a difference to where they live.
By the end of the project, the aim is to have a number of streets across both wards where neighbours are working together to make their streets greener, friendlier and more vibrant.
During the first year, the Growing Street Talk team will run a programme of creative gardening workshops which will bring neighbours and community members together.
We want to give residents the skills and opportunities to share ideas to help them green their front gardens and set up small street-based gardening groups. By the end of 2019, our vision is that a range of street-based gardening clubs will be up and running and making the project their own.
Michelle Fitzsimmons has a lead role in this project. Michelle also teaches courses for Continuing and Professional Education and her next course Designing Your Edible Garden takes place in May 2019.
Michelle will also teach courses starting later in the year.
Growing Street Talk is run by UpFront Gardens CIC, supported by our community partners Keep Splott Tidy and Pentre Gardening Club and the