School of Modern Languages welcomes Olivette Otele to Cardiff
5 March 2019

This February, Professor Olivette Otele, the UK’s first black female history professor was invited to speak to staff and students at Cardiff University.
Professor Otele, who is originally from Cameroon, specialises in collective memory and geopolitics, particularly related to the colonial history of Britain and France. Professor Otele, who was awarded a professorship by Bath Spa University in 2018, hosted a compelling public lecture on 6 February 2019 on The Historical Memory of Slavery. Professor Otele has an established international reputation and was named in the BBC's Top 100 Women in the World in 2018.
The talk, organised by the Conflict, Disaster and Development research unit of School of Modern Languages, ranged across the historical experience and memory of slavery, comparing the historical experience of both Britain and France. The talk, which was theoretically rich, was delivered in an open and accessible manner and was very well received.