Marking the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
13 February 2019

The School of Earth and Environmental Sciences has marked the United Nations’ (UN) International Day of Women and Girls in Science with a series of talks from women active in the sciences.
The School hosted a series of short talks given by female scientists from a range of scientific fields and career levels on 11th February 2019. Speakers included female scientists working in research and industry, current PhD students and alumni of the School, as well as Leslie Fitzpatrick (CEO, Techniquest) who gave a spotlight talk on the ongoing engagement in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in Wales.
The talks covered how scientists discovered their passion for a subject, why they decided to study it further, what kind of work they are doing now, how they have progressed in their careers, and what advice they would give to women interested in studying or working in the sciences.
Rhoda Ballinger, School Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, said: “This event has been a great opportunity to share female scientists’ work experiences, inspiring and encouraging our female students to follow their interests and pursue careers in science.”
Speaker list
Sarah Gore and Kate Abernathy (current PhD students; School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Cardiff University)
Christine Nelson (BSc Marine Geography; Lead Auditor, Associated British Ports, Cardiff)
Melanie Cox (BSc; Geochemistry Consultant, SRK Consulting)
Marie Ekstrom (PhD; Research Fellow, Cardiff University)
Rosie Gornall (MSc; Engineering Geologist, Mott MacDonald)
Leslie Fitzpatrick (CEO, Techniquest)