Professor of Land Law delivers memorial lecture in Nairobi
7 January 2019

Professor of Land Law and Development, Ambreena Manji delivered the 6th CB Madan Memorial Lecture this December at Strathmore Law School, Nairobi.
Professor Manji was invited to deliver the lecture ‘Land Reform in Kenya: The History of an Idea’ as part of an event which honoured Lady Justice Mumbi Ngugi for her contribution to constitutionalism and the rule of law. Members of the Judiciary, Kenya’s leading legal academics and many law students gathered to honour the awarding of the 2018 CB Madan prize to Lady Justice Mumbi Ngugi who is known in East Africa and more widely for her progressive jurisprudence on economic and social rights to protect the weak and vulnerable and for her insistence on constitutional values.
The CB Madan prize was created in 2013 to recognise the contribution of Kenyan Chief Justice CB Madan.
Professor Manji was Director of the British Academy’s British Institute in Eastern Africa in Nairobi between 2010 and 2014 where she worked closely with members of the judiciary and legal academics on matters of constitutional law and land law.