Cardiff optometry graduates excel in final assessments
20 December 2018

In this year’s College of Optometrists’ Final Assessments (OSCE), Cardiff graduates have once again scored exceptionally, achieving a pass rate of 79% compared to the national average of 69%.
Graduates undertake the Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) at the end of their pre-registration year to show that they can apply optometry theory in a clinical setting. The assessments consist of a series of five minute stations and candidates carry out tasks based on the 75 General Optical Council (GOC) elements of competence.
As well as exceeding in this year’s assessments, our graduates have consistently scored highly, achieving over a 90% pass rate over the last 5 years, reinforcing our position as a leading optometry school.
Marcela Votruba, Head of the School of Optometry and Vision Sciences, was delighted with the results, and said: “I’d like to extend my congratulations once again to our recent graduates for performing so well in the OSCE assessments. Both these results and our previous results demonstrate the preparedness of our graduates to apply their optometric knowledge in the professional environment”.