Prestigious bursary for Master’s student
16 November 2018

MSc Transport and Planning student, Orla Lenehan, has received a 2018 Brian Large Master’s Bursary to fund her postgraduate studies.
The funding, which totals £7,000, is one of only three bursaries awarded across the UK this year by the Brian Large Bursary Fund which was established in 1990 in tribute to Brian Large, a Director of the MVA Group (transport planning consultants).
The bursaries are intended to “enable students who have insufficient other funds to study full time without the need to take paid employment during normal university study hours”. They are awarded to continue Brian’s work supporting the professional and skills development of those in the early stages of their careers and ensure eligible students can completed their studies in the field of transport and planning.
Orla, who gained her undergraduate degree at Aberystwyth University, was overwhelmed to receive the bursary: "I remember being completely speechless when I received the email informing me that I had been awarded the Brian Large Bursary. When I eventually managed to find my voice I contacted all my family and friends to tell them the great news; that I could, in fact, start University in September and would not have to defer or drop out."
“The Bursary is more than just a great honour. Without it I would likely not have been able to undertake a Master’s this year or I would have severely jeopardised my studies through stress and obligations to undertake paid work.”
Orla is excited for the year ahead and grateful to be able to pursue her interest in transport at the School of Geography and Planning: “My interest in transport began at a young age, manifested in a curiosity regarding bus routes and train destinations. This childhood hobby has shaped my future career goals - to contribute to the planning, management and policy-making of transport systems within the UK and be associated with the development of systems of the future.
“After a great deal of research, I felt that Cardiff offered the perfect Master’s programme for me, and, nearly two months into my studies, I know I made the right decision. The MSc Transport and Planning programme is a gateway into my chosen career and I am extremely grateful to the Trustees of the Brian Large Bursary Fund for allowing me to return to education and fulfil my ambitions."
This year, four MSc Transport and Planning students received funding from external groups. In addition to Orla, three recent graduates of the School of Geography and Planning secured Rees Jeffreys Bursaries to fund their studies.