Festival of Social Science
31 October 2018

Cardiff University’s social science research will be celebrated in a week-long festival.
Taking place between November 5 and 10, research in areas as diverse as child psychology, teaching, public health, young people and politics will be shared with a wide range of audiences.
The events include a family-friendly evening where parents can speak to researchers about their children’s development, an interactive session where young people explore how friendship is valued among their peers, debates on the emergence of peace in Northern Ireland and a discussion about a new wave of trade union membership through social media.
This marks the third Festival of Social Science in Cardiff, which is organised in association with the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and aims to bring social science research in UK universities to the masses.
Professor Gillian Bristow, Dean of Research for the University’s College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and Professor in Economic Geography said: “We are delighted to showcase the strength and breadth of research being carried out at Cardiff University.
“Our researchers undertake world-leading and impactful work that informs the development of policies, services and innovation – both here in Wales and around the world.
“I hope that people will join us during the week to learn more and find out why social science research has never been more important in solving the major societal challenges we face today.”
Events during the week are free but places must be reserved. The full schedule and further information is available here: www.cardiff.ac.uk/festival-of-social-science
The University’s arts, humanities and social science research spans areas including digital, creative and cultural industries; devolved, urban and regional governance; family, gender, human rights; health, medicine and disability; sustainability & the environment; education; work; data social science; crime and security; and human cultures, beliefs, languages.
The University is developing SPARK – the world’s first social science research park. Based on Cardiff’s future Innovation Campus, SPARK will act as a hub for social science research across the University and bring together academics, policy and practice organisations to develop new solutions to pressing global challenges.