Athena SWAN success for School
31 October 2018

The School of Optometry and Vision Sciences has received an Athena SWAN Bronze Award in recognition for its continued commitment to gender equality in higher education. The submission was led by School Manager, Carline Beaumont and HR Advisor, Savitha Radhakrishnan, and is valid until 2022.
The Athena SWAN Charter recognises advancement of gender equality: representation, progression and success for all. The Charter was established in 2005 to encourage and recognise commitment in advancing careers of women in STEMM employment in higher education, research and more recently has expanded to include professional and support roles, work undertaken to address gender equality more broadly, and not just barriers to progression that affect women.
School Manager, Carline Beaumont said “This is a fantastic achievement for our School and I would like to take this opportunity to thank our HR practitioners, Savitha Radhakrishnan and Karen Cooke, and our Equality, Diversity and Athena SWAN team for their most exceptional support.”
Marcela Votruba, Head of School added, “I am delighted that we have been awarded an Athena SWAN Bronze. The application process proved to be a significant amount of work which has most definitely paid off! I particularly wish to thank our Equality, Diversity and Athena SWAN team, and the exceptional input and dedicated work of Carline and Savitha, without which I am sure this would not have been possible”.