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Cardiff University academic to support Welsh Government’s Fair Work Commission

27 September 2018

Professor Alan Felstead

Professor Alan Felstead has been appointed as the Independent Expert Advisor to the Welsh Government’s recently established Fair Work Commission.

Established by First Minister Carwyn Jones in July, the Commission will be tasked with making recommendations to promote and encourage fair work in Wales. This will include developing indicators and measures of fair work, and identifying data sources to help monitor progress.

The Commission will also consider whether measures to promote fair work currently available to the Welsh Government could be taken further, and identify what new or additional steps might be taken.

Professor Felstead, of the University’s School of Social Sciences, will join chair Professor Linda Dickens MBE, Emeritus Professor of Industrial Relations at the University of Warwick; Sharanne Basham-Pyke, Director of Shad Consultancy Ltd; Edmund Heery, Professor of Employment Relations at Cardiff Business School; and Sarah Veale CBE, former Head of Equality and Employment Rights at the TUC in 2015.

In his role as Independent Expert Advisor, Professor Felstead will gather and interpret the evidence on which the terms of reference will be addressed.

The appointment builds on Professor Felstead’s extensive research into skills, training and job quality, notably leading and developing recent rounds of the Skills and Employment Survey, and devising a new and innovative job quality self-assessment tool.

He has previously given independent expert advice to government departments including the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and agencies such as the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, the Government Office for Science, and the Office for National Statistics.

Of his appointment, Professor Felstead said: “I am flattered and honoured to be asked to act in this capacity.  But, more importantly, it means that some of the research that I do, and know about, may have a meaningful and very real impact on the working lives of people in Wales.”

Leader of the House and Chief Whip Julie James said: “I have asked the Commission to consider the evidence and make recommendations to promote and encourage fair work in Wales. Professor Felstead’s background in labour market research means he is well placed to provide independent expert advice to support the Commission’s work.”