Making language count
12 September 2018

Major international conference returns to birthplace
The eighth interdisciplinary Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice conference (ALAPP8) makes a welcome return to Cardiff this year (17 – 19 September) with a focus on current debates at the interface between applied linguistics, professional discourse studies and professional practice.
Since the inaugural conference held at the University in 2011, international experts have shared latest ideas and practice at cities around the globe from Copenhagen, Geneva, Gent and Milan in Europe to Sydney and Kuala Lumpur.
The disciplinary backgrounds feature language and communication research and professional specialities in areas ranging from business, law, healthcare, education, media, social care and welfare to immigration and border control.
Key speakers at ALAPP8 are Professor of English Language and Applied Linguistics Theresa Lillis (Open University); Professor of Education and Educational Psychology Roger Säljö (University of Gothenburg) and Professor of Management Andrea Whittle (Newcastle University).
Plenary lectures include the Candlin Lecture Ideologies of writing in professional domains: Challenges for making useful knowledge (Professor Lillis), Categorizing practices and social dilemmas: The case of pupil identities and school careers (Professor Säljö) and Consequential categories: How categories in interaction work to get work done (Professor Whittle).
Hosted by the internationally renowned Centre for Language and Communication Research, the conference aims to bring seminal research to a wider readership in association with the Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (JALPP).
The Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice conference takes place at Cardiff Business School Postgraduate Teaching Centre over three days. Follow #ALAPP8 for live updates.