Researchers Artwork at NHS70 exhibition
27 July 2018

The exhibition has been put together at the HeARTh Gallery in Llandough Hospital.
It has a number art works, including a soundscape, commissioned abstract work, a large scale print of 70 prints for 70 years of the NHS, and ‘our hands’ amongst others.
The piece by Dr Simone Cuff, a researcher in the School of Medicine, has contributed is a celebration of the international nature of medical science in Wales.
Research scientists that work with Cardiff University and the NHS volunteered to have their hands life-cast; a technique which results in very detailed, almost sculptural work.

They were then painted in the scientists' countries of origin and affixed to printed metal which shows just a small proportion of the ground-breaking science that they are doing.
The international nature of science is apparent from the observation that UK scientists travel widely, with 72% of UK researchers spending time at a non-UK institution between 1996 and 2012, according to evidence collected by the British Society for Immunology.
The latest figures reveal that approximately 28% of academics at UK universities are from outside the UK; in Biomedical Sciences this ratio of international staff is even greater. For instance, 40% of scientists at the Francis Crick Institute in London, the biggest biological laboratory in Europe built at a cost of £700m, are non-UK Europeans.