RTPI recognition for ‘outstanding service’
12 July 2018

Dr Neil Harris has been awarded the 2018 Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) Outstanding Service Award, in recognition of his significant contribution to its work and support of its principles.
Dr Harris, a Senior Lecturer at Cardiff University’s School of Geography and Planning, is a highly regarded researcher who focuses on using conceptual frameworks to better understand the instruments and operation of the statutory planning system.
He has long been an advocate for the RTPI, specifically in Wales, where he has been involved with both the RTPI Cymru Management Board and its Policy and Research Forum. He also served as a member of the RTPI’s Partnership and Accreditation Panel in 2007.
Responding to news of his win, Dr Harris said: “This is an unexpected but very welcome honour. I’d like to thank the RTPI for recognising my advocacy for the Institute’s vision and ambitions in supporting planning and the planning profession across Wales and the UK.
“The RTPI is a champion for our industry and does great work raising its profile and communicating the value and impact of planners to local communities, wider society and the economy.”
Dr Harris received his award at the RTPI Wales Planning Conference in June 2018.