Preview event for the new Sepsis Engagement Centre
6 July 2018

Project Sepsis held a preview of the Sepsis Engagement Centre on Wednesday 20 June in the Golidlocks Ward, Sir Geraint Evans Cardiovascular Research Building.
The event was very well attended with over 60 people from Cardiff University, Wales Gene Park, Cardiff & Vale UHB, Sêr Cymru, Welsh Government and The UK Sepsis Trust in attendance..
Dr Widad Dantoft (Project Clinical Research Manager) opened the event with Dr Daniel White (Senior Innovation Technology Scientist) as Chair and Moderator of the Roundtable.
The invited speakers were Nicola Madoc-Jones (Patient Parent), Tracey Laight (UK Sepsis Trust), and Dr Siva Oruganti (Consultant, PICU) as well as an overview of sepsis from Prof Peter Ghazal.

After a poster session of future plans participants were invited for a roundtable discussion – with critiquing and feedback.
Feedback was invited from attendees regarding the 3 pillars: Public Engagement, Training and Research. Project Sepsis will use this feedback in further developments and is extremely grateful for the interest, expert opinion and insight provided.
Any further comments can be sent to