Green Impact Award
15 June 2018
The School of Earth and Environmental Sciences has been awarded bronze status in the National Union of Students’ Green Impact scheme for its office spaces and laboratories.
The Green Impact scheme aims to bring together students and staff to green campuses, curriculums and communities to modify behaviours and make meaningful sustainable changes.
The School achieved the bronze Green Impact award by implementing and raising awareness of sustainable alternatives. Staff and PhD students were encouraged to buy reusable coffee cups by implementing a School voucher system. School staff also raised awareness of the correct recycling and waste stream usage for offices and laboratories. Alternative methods of transport to and around the University were also highlighted, such as car-pooling and cycling.

Professor Ian Hall, Head of the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, said: “It has been a huge effort by the Green Impact team led by Dhobasheni Newman and Jen Pinnion. Congratulations to everyone involved! This is the first time the School has entered the programme and I know the team are already planning for a silver or gold submission next year. This is a key effort that the whole School (staff and students) can be involved in and I look forward to helping to develop a more sustainable School as we move forward.”
A Green Impact Twitter account for the School has been set up to promote good practice and initiatives to reduce plastic use at work and at home (@CU_GreenEarth).