May Primary School Visits
31 May 2018

Volunteers visited three Primary Schools in May to deliver various outreach activities including Radnor Primary School, Canton on 4 May, Victoria Primary School, Penarth on 23 May and Tonysguboriau Primary School, Talbot Green on 23 May.
It was CITER's second visit of 2018 to Radnor Primary and Victoria Primary due to the success of the outreach activities during the first visit. The first and second visits involved delivering the microbes and "blast-a-biofilm" activity. This activity teaches children the good and bad bacteria and also incorporates the importance of brushing teeth to remove "bioflims". The first part of the activity is new for CITER and involves the children undertaking a scientific swabbing experiment whereby the children choose clean and dirty areas of the classroom using swabs and records on agar plates. The agar plates are then taken back to the laboratory and the results are later fed back to the class teacher.

"The most successful aspects of the activity is children using scientific equipment they wouldn’t normally be using in science lessons....increase the ‘fun’ element in science lessons".

The final visit involved delivering our "bones and organs" activity to children in year two for a morning session. This activity teaches children important aspects about the human anatomy and also includes a "how big session" in terms of three body organs; intestines, brain and the skin using props.

“The practical activities and demonstrations using the models and string really aided the children’s understanding”.
Many thanks to the volunteers for delivering these workshops including Sally Hayes, Irina Erchova, Cindy Ilkie, Rachael Moses, Edward Gait-Carr, Peter Morrison, Dionne Shillabeer, Adam Moore, Laura Paletto and Emily Lewis.
Public engagement is a key part of CITER and this year's calendar is very busy. CITER would welcome volunteers to attend forthcoming public events and visit local Primary Schools; if you are interested please contact: