Virtual lean research network
23 May 2018

The Lean Enterprise Research Centre (LERC) is to be relaunched as a virtual research network following its acquisition by the Centre’s commercial successor Lean Competency System (LCS).
Starting with a newly designed website, LCS will create a digital environment where academic and industry practitioners can access an archive of resources published by the world-renowned Centre.
The relaunch is set to inspire a new lean enterprise research agenda from which themes and projects can develop.
University developed and industry recognised
Simon Elias, Director of LCS, said: “The commercial model we’ve put in place for LCS works really well. But with a background in branding, I think a lot about perceived value and the LERC has always given a credibility and authenticity to LCS.”
LCS is a University developed and industry recognised lean qualifications framework for developing lean thinking knowledge and practical skills in the workplace.
Working with firms of all sizes, from global corporations, governments and public/private sector organization to smaller agricultural enterprises and charities, LCS is the biggest provider of lean workplace qualifications on a global scale.
As well as industry, LCS has recently rolled out a programme of student accreditation in collaboration with Cardiff Business School.
Students enrolled on the School’s Executive Education’s Lean Workshops and Executive MBA can gain entry-level competencies following completion of integrated lean training programmes.
Mr Elias added: “Beyond branding, of course, LERC and LCS are about impact and engagement in a very practical way – having a clear and obvious influence on people’s lives...”

“I see the virtual network as an opportunity to join a community of lean practitioners whether academic- or industry-based that will explore relevant and contemporary lean research themes closely related to today’s business challenges.”
LCS will launch the LERC virtual research network at the 21st edition of the Quality Management & Organizational Development conference to be held at Cardiff Business School on 22-24 August 2018.