CITER Research Biofilms Workshop: "Finding Solutions for Sticky Problems"
15 May 2018
The second 2017/18 CITER Research interdisciplinary workshop took place on Monday 14 May at Hadyn Ellis Building, Cardiff University. The theme of the workshop was Bioflilms: “Finding Solutions for Sticky Problems”. The workshop gave delegates an opportunity to learn more about biofilms and network with colleagues with common research interests to potentiate collaboration in the field of biofilm research.
Forty five delegates attended the workshop including Cardiff University academics and students as well as delegates from the industry with an interest in biofilms. The meeting aimed to provide a networking opportunity on the breadth of biofilm research conducted within Cardiff University.
The two key note speakers external to Cardiff University Professor Jeremy Webb, University of Southampton and Professor Andrew McBain, University of Manchester provided informative and excellent presentations on biofilm occurrence and biofilm control.
Throughout the day colleagues from Cardiff University's School of Dentistry, School of Biosciences, School of Engineering and School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences delivered talks on their biofilm research providing evidence that biofilm and biofilm control are string themes with CITER and Cardiff University.
We are grateful to the Society for Applied Microbiology, GAMA Healthcare Ltd and the Microbiology Society for providing sponsorship for this meeting.
"Excellent programme, engaging speakers, excellent venue and well organised".
Congratulations to Dr Katja Hill in the School of Dentistry who was awarded the prize for the best poster; "Reduced Virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa induced by OligoG CF-5/20". Many thanks to Dr Philip Norville from GAMA Healthcare Ltd and Professor David Williams, School of Dentistry for judging the entries.
Thanks to Professor Jean-Yves Maillard, Chair of CITER and Professor David Williams in the School of Dentistry for organising this workshop. The next research workshop is being held on 14 November at St Fagans National Museum of History and the topic is is "Natural Compound Research for Tissue Repair and Regeneration in Wales". Registration is now open, for more information please contact;