Same day, same way?
29 January 2018

Researchers from Cardiff Business School will investigate the same day delivery concept after successfully securing SPARK Seedcorn funding from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and Panalpina Group.
The £3,950 project sees Dr Wessam Abouarghoub and Dr Emrah Demir partner Mr Steve de Cross from Panalpina to assess the economic feasibility of same day delivery.
Developed from a Panalpina Challenge Workshop, the team will model delivery costs, emissions and time windows involved to simulate a new pricing strategy for same day delivery.
The simulation is expected to make better use of resources and to improve allocations of shipments into assets.
Academic and industrial partnerships

“This exciting project aligns Panalpina’s objectives as a logistics services provider with Cardiff Business School’s ambitious public value strategy which encourages collaborative work between academia and industry to deliver social improvement alongside economic development.”
“So while the primary outcome of the project will be economic, social factors like customer preferences and environmental impact will also be considered,” he added.
Dr Emrah Demir, Panalpina Associate Professor of Manufacturing and Logistics, said: “Being part of the Panalpina Challenge Workshop has led us to understand the complexities of modern transportation. I am excited to tackle and contribute to improving the planning of transport activities.”
This project is supported by the Panalpina Centre for Manufacturing and Research a joint industry-University initiative that aims to achieve world-class research with impact in the fields of logistics and manufacturing management.
Based in Cardiff Business School, the Centre bridges the gap between theory and practice in these areas for the benefit of the economy, environment and society.